Sunday, November 28, 2010

Alas my first two hand made christmas cards

I was determined to set some time aside to attempt to make some Christmas cards today, so using my 'Cricut' machine and the 'Christmas Cheer' cartridge I set to work.........

The Results :

This One is for my wonderful mother who I love dearly

This one is for my brother and his girlfriend
It took me a few hours to make just too as I'm new to this whole thing of card making and scrap booking... a novice as you may say but I'm pleased with the results, had alot of fun and just hope the family back home like them.

After the fun had finished it was back to the chores of ironing my scrubs for work tomorrow, i work the day shift, maybe with brokeshopaholic i think :) and will be wishing my 4 shifts to be as pleasant as possible for come Friday its my works Christmas party, I'm taking Mr English Rose and secretly i think he's a little nervous about meeting everyone *giggle* but i know he will take it in his stride as he always does.

Please feel free to comment on my efforts today

Bye for now x


  1. cute cards and I'm so happy to see THREE posts in a week! *faint* Don't worry we'll be gentle on Mr Rose. lmao
