Sunday, December 30, 2012


Don't you just hate em? Chores! they consume my 'free-time' they're boring and I still haven't found a way to make them fun. Lets face it what's fun about washing, drying, etc other than clean clothes and a tidy homestead at the end of it, perhaps I should start rewarding myself to do it :)

Today's tasks are laundry, ironing, clean the hubby's kitchen mess, and take the Christmas tree down! I may as well get THAT chore out of the way now than leave it till next weekend. Doesn't the room feel so much bigger once all the clutter is out of the way till next year? 

Well best get on with it...if only I could drag myself away from the computer!

Have a great day!


  1. Hi Kae! I've been having a look at your site! I'm your newest follower! :) I can't seem to find your email details though - If you would like to send me a quick email at then I will reply and send you the code directly for the Snapshot Saturday blog hop to fix the problem you are having! :) Thanks for joining in Snapshot Saturday!

    Aanika from

    1. Hi Aainika!

      I just emailed you, I look forward to joining the fun!

