What a day at work today, I work on a 10 bedded unit, all single rooms and all the team go above and beyond for all our Pt's, so much so that some don't want to leave! Today i get to work to find 3 empty beds and 2 further Pt's for discharge!!!!!!!!!!! what a crazy few hours trying to find appropriate Pt's for our empty beds. I wore many hats today, saleswoman to many Pt's all who were so glad to have a single room.
Needless to say after 3 admissions and 2 discharges i left an hour later than i should have done and we still had the fourth admission to do, my heart sank at the start of the day as Mondays truly are the worst day at work with a huge team meeting which today lasted well over an hour. I truly thought it was going to be such a stressful day with all the movement, trying to coordinate everything but it was calmness, organised movement and great nurses who just all said 'no worries, head down and get the admits done' it was great and I'm truly blessed to work with such wonderful people.
The best part of my day was walking through the door and being greeted by waggly bottoms and snuggles of the dogs 'unconditional love' is there game...so much joy they give me. Then hubby finally got home from Vancouver, its an awful drive after such a long day for him, we made dinner together, yes its highly unusual he's very much the boss in the kitchen and if you asked him its the only place he's boss.
So now I'm blogging to who ever pops by here to read about my life or see that I'm moaning again! hubby is catching up on the golf and the waggly tails are fast asleep just the usual grind in my life but I'm blessed with health and happiness and really haven't got anything to moan about, in my line of work there's always someone worst of than me, I'm the lucky one.
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