Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Day happiness

Christmas day started with a Merry Christmas text from a co-worker :) after that i was wide awake as was the dogs, it was 06.17 precisely i was wired and giddy like a little kid, after that the rest of Christmas day started in the usual way for me, those emotions over came the morning and lasted for about an hour, its the 14th year without my dad, having passed so suddenly day after boxing day. He loved Christmas and John Lennon would always be playing in the background so it was only fitting that I played the Imagine album while i did the busy wife saver breakfast prior to opening our presents, if only i could get the hubby to get up and see what Santa brought him.

The hubby and I had breakfast and then i found a lovely radio station playing Christmas carols, with those playing and a little singing along we opened our presents:
My hubby has great taste! I'm looking forward to next Christmas to test out some of Nigella's recipes :)

This could spell trouble :)

This lot should cure my sweet tooth, thanks to family from the UK who sent the English chocolate x
My hubby also got power tools and I bought him a Gordon Ramsey cook book. I also had a spending spree for baking goodies, such as baking tins/trays, ingredients, utensils and numerous other things to start my baking 'fad' off on the right foot.

After opening our presents we went for a short walk with the dogs and then i skyped with my mum, she had opened her gift we sent and i sent her X-large cupcake papers, she thought they were coffee filter papers and that we had sent them as a joke! Hilarious, she loved her Le vie n rose PJ's, fluffy slippers and the Maple leaf cookie cutter. We chatted for a while, childhood memories came flooding back of being a kid and having to wait till dad had lit the wood burning fire and shook the reindeer bells to let me and my siblings know the big guy had been. Mum had a great time with her sister during the day which was wonderful to hear.

The rest of the day for me was spent in and out of the kitchen coordinating a turkey and beef roast, hubby doesn't like turkey..'its too dry and boring' well it was anything but, having marinaded it in rosemary, black pepper, sea salt, basil and a bay leaf then topped with maple bacon and cooked for 3 hrs it was delicious, Colin's roast beef was done the same except different herbs and minus the bacon, it was done in the slow cooker for 8 hours, accompanied by herb and garlic roast potatoes, a whole ream of veg and gravy, it was soooooo good! and it started to snow whilst we was having dinner, how perfect!!!!

Christmas day ended in traditional fashion, a nap, spritzers, a movie and then off to bed. A truly wonderful day :)

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